Conference: World Class Connected Industry & Digital Twins 2021 on June 24th and 25th
Europe’s Leading Conference on Industry 4.0 and Digital Twin Technology.
I have confirmed to speak as Digital Twins Expert at the World Class Connected Industry & Digital Twins 2021 on June 24th.
Title: „Combining Digital Twins and Virtual Reality to Better Plan your Infrastructure“.

24. Juni 2021 @ 11h15 – live at Dorint Hotel Frankfurt/Oberursel, Königsteiner Straße 29, 61440 Oberursel, Germany
I have confirmed to speak as Digital Twins Expert at the World Class Connected Industry & Digital Twins 2021 Conference. The title of my presentation, which I am giving together with Christian Kolb from Waldner Laboreinrichtungen, is:
Combining Digital Twins and Virtual Reality to Better Plan your Infrastructure
We will be talking about
- Building a digital twin of your planned infrastructure using BIM Building Information Management
- Fully experience your infrastructure already in the planning phase in virtual reality
- Enable a virtual sampling process, always with a view to the given budget
- Multiuser capable concept enables direct communication with participants across continents, regardless of pandemic travel restrictions
- Detect and address potential problems directly with the user, enable Customer Co-creation
Click here for the full Agenda.
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